Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just How Lo(cal) Can You Go?

And we don't mean low calorie, we mean local, as in locally grown, produced, et cetera.

Although Wedge Worldwide is not local to many readers, we still have a focus on locally-made products. And even though many of the purchases go outside of our local bubble of Minneapolis, Minnesota, buying local still has its benefits.

By offering local products on Wedge Worldwide, we are able to help support a regional artist or business, which further supports our local economy and community. Also, bringing in products from talented individual and vendors from our home region of Minnesota, or a neighboring state, we also reduce the amount of fossil fuels used during product shipment, in the process of getting our wonderful products to all of you. So, even if you are not considered to be local in respect to Wedge Worldwide, you are still helping our community and the environment. Here's a bit more on that topic from the Minneapolis Eat Local blog.

Now that it is already coming upon the end of August, it is about time to mention the Eat Local Challenge, that is happening both on a local and national level. Here's a bit more information from the Wedge Co-op's website about the challenge:

The Wedge Co-op challenges you to eat local from August 15 through September 15! Join locavores in co-ops across the country in the Eat Local America Challenge. It's a fun, easy and tasty competition.

If this is your first time attempting to eat local for a whole month, you might want start at the Local Learners level, by pledging to eat five meals a week based on local foods.

If that's not challenging enough, consider becoming a Leading Locavore, by basing 80% of your diet—or four out of every five items or ingredients—on food produced within the five-state region.

How does the Eat Local America Challenge work? For one month, the Wedge will be calculating local sales for the whole store. We want to see how high of a local percentage we can hit this year and set the standard for next year. Throughout the Eat Local America Challenge, stop by Customer Service to see how local we are!

Also, check out the Wedge website for local recipes, opportunities to visit local farms and read up-to-the-minute action in the Eat Local America Challenge from bloggers, chefs and your favorite farmers.

If you want even more information, check out the Eat Local blogs from the Minneapolis area and the national level.

Wedge Worldwide works hard to find the best (read eco-friendly, fair trade, sustainable) products that are available for our customers. We also work to be transparent in our business and what qualities our products have.

Our Icons help lead the viewer through the product pages, keeping everyone informed about the qualities of the individual product, such as: fairly traded, organic, eco-friendly, recycled materials, locally made, or made by a socially conscious vendor (meaning the vendor donates a percentage of their profits). Essentially, the icons take you through our buying practices. Also, check out our buying philosophy for our natural body care products.

As a final note, here are some Local vendors that Wedge Worldwide works with (they're links, so check 'em out):

SYB Soap Company
Peace Coffee
Green Glass
Robin Rifé
written by Jessie