Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Adorable Fair Trade Stuffed Animals
Kenana Knitted Critters are produced on Kenana Farm, a cattle and sheep ranch in Njoro, Kenya, and the majority of Kenana Knitted Critters’ employees are women, the wives of men who work on Kenana Farm. Seventeen years ago when the owner and distributor of Kenana Knitted Critters, Gloria Delaney, first started her business, there were only 12 women who were knitting critters. Now Gloria has more than 1,000 employees.
Not only do these women earn an income that allows them to support their families, they are also provided with free health care. Several years ago the Kenana women received an extremely large order from one of their accounts. An email from Gloria was given to the knitters to encourage them, but, it came to light, the knitters couldn't read. Immediately, a knitter who was once a teacher was hired to teach the woman how to read and write. The word from the farm is that “Every lady learning to read has become a taller person with pride.” Once classes began, they discovered that many of the women could not see the chalkboard because they needed glasses. Now employees who need glasses are provided with them and three computers have been added to the classroom to help facilitate their learning process. One lady said, “With my glasses on, I feel like an executive.”
The employees of Kenana Knitted Critters also receive on-site lunches and literacy programs through their employer, while the health clinics available to the women address issues such as HIV/AIDS and family planning to name just a few. The clinics also educate employees, so that they’re well-informed and better able to care for themselves and their families. The clinic library contains books on many important health subjects that the women can reference.
Rural life for a woman in Kenya is often quite demanding and difficult and most have few opportunities for employment and independence. A woman's time is often taken up with gathering firewood and water from many kilometers away, tending their essential vegetable gardens, looking after their own children and the children of sick relatives, or caring for elderly parents and in-laws. A traditional Kenyan family consists of a woman who stays home while her husband works. It is up to the man to provide enough income for medical care, food, books, and uniforms for children who go to school. In truth, a single income is rarely enough to adequately support a family.
Being employed by Knitted Critters allows a woman to supplement her family’s income and gain self-sufficiency. The women are able to bring their children to work with them, and they also have the option of working at home as time allows. Knitters are offered savings accounts where they may choose to deposit some of their surplus income. This allows them to have their very own nest eggs that can be used for important purchases.
The process of producing a Kenana stuffed animal starts out with the women gathering natural-colored brown fleece from the sheep on their farm. After washing, the fleece is dyed with natural plant dyes that the women grow themselves. The fleece is carded and spun by hand with spinning wheels fashioned from old bicycle wheels. After an adorable critter is finished, an information card is tied to the animal that bears the artist’s signature. Gloria says many children have emailed the women who knitted their beloved toy animals.
We have to admit, the Kenana Knitted Critters are so endearing and charming, a few of us big people at Wedge Worldwide can't quite stop ourselves from squeezing and playing with them when a new order arrives in our warehouse. These charming jungle animals are a huge customer favorite for us and are sure to delight your young (or not so young) loved ones!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Weleda's Pure, Organic, Biodynamic Body Care
Founded in 1921, Weleda has pioneered the use of biodynamic and organic ingredients in the personal care industry. Biodynamics is a holistic, sustainable form of agriculture that could be considered a step above organic practices. All Weleda formulations are free of synthetic additives, preservatives, colorants and fragrances, mineral oils, and parabens. Their pure fragrances consist exclusively of natural essential oils. For the past 80 years, Weleda has adhered to these original quality standards, continuing to use biodynamic and organic ingredients to create its unique preparations. And of course, Weleda and their suppliers do not test their ingredients or products on animals.
For instance, one of the most beautiful body care oils I have ever come across is Weleda's Rose Body Oil. I gave it to my best friend one year for her birthday and when she called to thank me she said, "My god I love this stuff, the smell is incredible! I hide it from the rest of my family and am rationing it so it will last as long as possible." This oil is a special, nurturing treat. It is divine as a body moisturizer, for massage or for adding a few teaspoons to a hot bath. The aroma is pretty delectable; a rosy, warm, scent with subtle musk-like undertones. It's like rubbing liquefied rose petals over your skin.
I'm also a big fan of Weleda's Everon Lip Balm. It is fantastic at protecting and healing very dry and chapped lips and the healthy amount of shea butter added to it packs an extra moisturizing punch. So this is the perfect item to have on hand during dry, windy and cold winter months as well as to heal lips that have been over-exposed to the sun in the summer. The delicious rose and vanilla scent derived from all-natural essential oils make this balm smell good enough to eat!!
Another extra moisturizing skin saving delicacy is Weleda's Skin Food. This is a huge year-round customer favorite for us that its devotees swear by. Skin Food can be used anywhere on the body for healing and moisturizing extremely dry skin, but many love to use it mainly as a hand cream. This formula contains lanolin which is a substance obtained from shorn sheep's wool. The wool is press between rollers in order to express this wax-like substance. Lanolin can be helpful for treating chapped lips, diaper rash, dry skin, itchy skin, rough feet, minor cuts, minor burns and skin abrasions. It easily absorbs into the skin and has even been known to have antibacterial-like properties.
I've used and loved Weleda's toothpaste for years. These products are some of the most natural toothpaste available on the market! All of these mouth care products are sodium lauryl sulfate free. SLS is a sudsing agent that may cause various forms of skin irritation and some have speculated that it could be hazardous to human health. Although this matter is still being debated it is interesting to note that when products foam or suds this is not a sign that true cleaning is occurring. There actually is no real point to those bubbles or foam except that they may give us the illusion of cleanliness. Check out my staff review (simply click on the red review link in the upper right hand corner) for Weleda's Salt Toothpaste. Once you try it, it might become your favorite too!
While we're talking about safe body care ingredients, let me mention the superb, pure and clean Weleda deodorants. These products are in an alcohol base and loaded with natural essential oils that refresh the skin and get rid of unwanted bacteria. Best of all, these deodorants are propylene glycol free. Propylene glycol is an ingredient that is often found in deodorants which makes deodorants effective by acting to block the pores in the sweat glands. Many people have started to question the safety of arresting the body's natural ability to perspire and eliminate toxins. Not to mention creating stagnation in the body's lymph systems under the arms. I have found the Weleda deodorants to be extremely effective at keeping me feeling fresh and sweet-smelling all day long. I love the elegant and easily recycled glass bottles that they come in too! Take a look at the available scents of Sage, Citrus, or Wild Rose.
And hey, men, we have something just for you! Weleda makes a wonderful assortment of body care products for men. And our customers tell us that they're excited by their high-quality, wonderful masculine scents and effectiveness. Wedge Worldwide offers Weleda's Shaving Cream, After Shave Balm and facial Moisture Cream for Men. All of these items also make great, sure to be appreciated gifts!
In addition to Weleda's products being delightful and excellent, they also are big supporters of Fair Trade. Their pure plant extracts and ingredients are harvested throughout the world, either from their own biodynamic medicinal plant gardens or through contractual partnerships with farmers. They work with local farmers, helping them to convert their conventional farms into sustainable, organic agriculture. Weleda believes that fair prices, determined and accepted by both sides, create long-term partnerships based on cooperation, mutual trust and respect. Through building Fair Trade agreements, Weleda offers economic and social support to the communities they partner with. Such practices uphold Weleda's founding virtue, "In harmony with nature and the human being."
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Sustainably-Harvested, Wild Herb Products From Juniper Ridge
Juniper Ridge is a small, homegrown, eco-minded business in California that is a good example of the type of producer that we like to support here at Wedge Worldwide. First of all, their highly pleasurable products are an olfactory delight. Just sticking my nose in a bag of their wild herb sachets or wild herb soaps stimulates feelings of happiness and delight in me. But even better, everything that Juniper Ridge produces is made with herbs, leaves, woods and resins from the mountains and deserts of the west that are harvested sustainably by hand. Their wild-crafting practices ensure that the plants they take trimmings from will grow back year after year and will even increase in production rates and health. This sweet little company also gives 10% of their profits to groups that support western wilderness, so when you purchase one of their products you are not only enjoying an all-natural treat from nature, you are also helping to protect it for future generations. Juniper Ridge's products are also made with completely natural ingredients and contain scents that do not have any fillers or artificial fragrance in them. These amazing smells come directly from beautifully fragrant plants!
Ready to start feeling the love? How about tucking a wild herb sachet into a drawer, closet, bed, pillows, car, storage items or anywhere you want to relax and remind yourself of the outdoors. Check out the Douglas Fir Sachet that has an evergreen and lemony smell to it or the Port Orford Cedar Sachet, a gingery cedar from the northwestern coast of California. Juniper Ridge says that when they put baskets of these sachets out at the farmers market in San Francisco, customers walk by their booth and then turn around to come back and ask, “what is that incredible smell?”
Personally, I find their bar soaps to be pretty amazing. The smells are invigorating and uplifting and make bathing fun. These soaps are also biodegradable with all-natural ingredients of 100% vegetable oil and super-fatted shea butter and jojoba for an exceptionally gentle, moisturizing bar. In particular, take a look at the Coastal Sage Scrub Soap, scented with a blend of California coastal sages; the Siskiyou Cedar Soap, which has a wonderful gingery cedar smell to it; the Western Juniper (my personal fave) which is infused with real, wild Juniper from the southwest deserts; and, last but not least, the festive soap gift pack, an assortment of full-sized soaps wrapped in a delicious, gingery Cedar trimming with a pretty, green bow. Any of these soaps are perfect for men as they are outdoorsy and less floral than many traditional, herbal soaps (although women love them, too!).
May I also recommend bringing the outdoors into your home with Juniper Ridge's great-smelling natural incense? Their incense is charcoal and potassium nitrate free and contains no artificial fragrances. This is the only incense around that is made with 100% wild-gathered tree leaves, wood and resins from the Western landscape. It's like experiencing the beauty of a crackling campfire in the fresh mountain air! And speaking of beauty, many of our customers are enamored with the lovely White Sage and Wild Mint Tea and Douglas Fir Tip Tea from Juniper Ridge. White Sage has a rich, earthy, minty flavor that made it a favorite tea for many of the Native American tribes and early settlers of the Southwest while the Douglas Fir Tip Tea has a refreshing, lemony flavor and sweet, forest-like aroma. I know a couple of tea snobs that will only let the highest quality, dreamiest brews pass their lips and they feel a deep fondness for these teas.
Once you try something from Juniper Ridge, you're sure to be hooked. These scents are real, earthy and evocative. Says Hall Newbegin, the founder of Juniper Ridge, “I dream up beautiful things that make people's eyes light up, things that connect people with the outdoors and memories of camping trips and walking with your dad and the tastes of days of fall leaves.”